Boring and drilling contractor in perth Horizontal Directional Drilling, Microtunnelling, Auger thrust boring
Horizontal Directional Drilling
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a steerable trenchless technology method of installing utilities underground were it is not practical to excavate and open trench.
We own and operate the latest Vermeer Directional Drills which helps to maximize productivity and improve efficiency.
Multi Conduit Installation
Service Pipe Installed
Water, Sewer Pressure Main, Power, Gas & Communications
Ground Conditions
from sand through to medium grade rock
Pipe Sizes
25mm to 500mm
Pipe Product
Polyethylene and Steel
beneath Roads, Railways, Buildings, Trees and Vegetation
Our Directional Drill machine is supported by:
Excavator for Excavation of entry and exit pits
Vacuum truck for removal of drilling fluid
We also offer the following services at the clients request:
Polyethylene Welding - Butt Fusion & Electro Fusion
Partial list of completed projects
Pressure Sewer Main
Kwinana Pumping Station - DN250 PE pipe 350m in sand & limestone ground conditions
Kwinana Pumping Station - DN400 Steel sleeve 70m in limestone ground conditions
Salter Point PM Alignment - DN125 PE pipe 180m in sand ground conditions
Kwinana Pumping Station - DN400 PE pipe 460m in sand & limestone ground conditions
Banksia Grove Pump Station - DN250 PE pipe 230m in sand ground conditions
Eglinton North Estate - DN450 PE pipe 120m in solid limestone ground conditions
Stormwater Drainage
Kings Park, Perth - DN355 PE pipe 120m in sand ground conditions
Water Main
Mandurah Road, Singelton - DN315 PE pipe 230m in limestone ground conditions
Shenton Road, Claremont - DN180 & 250 PE pipe 160m in sand ground conditions
Mandurah Road, Singleton - DN160 PE pipe 230m in limestone ground conditions
Roads & Creek crossing, Onslow 100NB steel 440m in sand & clay ground conditions
Electrical & Communications
Perth Zoo - DN160 HDPE conduit 450m in sand ground conditions
Wembly Golf Course - 3x DN110 HDPE conduits 130m in sand & limestone ground conditions
Bakers Hill - DN110 HDPE conduit 430m in bedrock ground conditions
Catalina Estate - 8x DN63 PE conduits 60m in one pull in hard limestone ground conditions